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This time , he suffered from right leg painful swelling with intermittent fever and chillness for about 4 days. Progressive erythematous change witl local heat and tenderness of right lower leg also developed in these 2 day. Besides , oral ulcer with sore throat were also nated yesterday. Past history:1. Systemic disease type 2 diabetes mellitus with medication and insulin controlled for 19 years and hypertensive cardiovascular disease with medication For 6-7 days 2. Chronic hepatitis B and C which were diagnosed for about 2 years. Peptic ulcer disease status post PES for about one year. 3. Operation history:underwent A-V fistula on 09***** 途徑:EXT﹝什麼意思?﹞ 用量單位:40UNIT﹝什麼意思?﹞ 頻率:ASORD﹝什麼意思?﹞、QDPC﹝什麼意思?﹞、QID﹝什麼意思?﹞、QODAC﹝什麼意思?﹞ 診斷:Chronic renal failure ﹝什麼意思?﹞ 藥物:Dexaltin oral paste 1MG/G 2G ﹝什麼意思?﹞ (For tpical use) => ﹝什麼意思?﹞ Parmason gargle soln 200ML ﹝什麼意思?﹞ (For oral gangling) => ﹝什麼意思?﹞ 請幫忙翻全部^^ 一句一句翻好嗎?謝謝嚕^ˇ^ 最佳解答發問者自選 .. 回答者: 09sean ( 初學者 1 級 ) 回答時間: 2008-09-16 22:08:51 [ 檢舉 ] .Chief complaint:right leg painful swelling with intermittent fever and chills for abut 4 day. 主要病痛:右腳腫痛並連續四天間發性發燒及發燒前寒戰。 Present illness:the 50 year old married Taiwanese man , has had thehistory of type 2 diabetes mellitus with medication and insulin controlled for 19 years and hypertensive cardiovascular disease with medication for 6-7 years. 目前症狀:一五十歲已婚台籍男子患有 2 型糖尿病(非胰島素依賴型糖尿病)以藥物治療和胰島素控制達十九年之久,另有六至七年高血壓性心血管疾病的藥物治療病歷。 DM nephropathy in end stage renal stage was diagnosed last year. The patient had underwent A-V fistula on 09***** (七位數字,不知是不是很重要,所以保密^^)and on regular hemodialysis since then. 去年已診斷糖尿病腎臟病變進入末期。病人便持續接受 A-V 瘺管.... 及血液析離術。 This time , he suffered from right leg painful swelling with intermittent fever and chillness for about 4 days. Progressive erythematous change witl local heat and tenderness of right lower leg also developed in these 2 day. Besides , oral ulcer with sore throat were also nated yesterday. 這一回,他感受到右腳腫痛並連續四天間發性發燒及發燒前寒戰。這兩天,右小腿有局部灼熱及以至出現漸漸嚴重的紅斑。另外,口腔潰瘍及喉痛也在昨天 (nated?) Past history:1. Systemic disease type 2 diabetes mellitus with medication and insulin controlled for 19 years and hypertensive cardiovascular disease with medication For 6-7 days 病歷:1. 全身性疾病 2 型糖尿病(非胰島素依賴型糖尿病)以藥物治療和胰島素控制達十九年之久,另有六至七年高血壓性心血管疾病的藥物治療病歷。 2. Chronic hepatitis B and C which were diagnosed for about 2 years. Peptic ulcer disease status post PES for about one year. 2. 患慢性B, C型肝炎約二年之久。消化性潰瘍疾病過了 PES 狀況已有一年。 3. Operation history:underwent A-V fistula on 09***** 3. 手術歷史:接受 A-V 瘺管.... 參考資料 自己 2008-09-16 22:17:21 補充 用量單位:40UNIT: 40 單位 診斷:Chronic renal failure: 慢性腎功能衰竭 藥物:(For typical use): 僅典型症狀使用 相關詞: hypertensive cardiovascular disease,type 2 diabetes mellitus,medication,fistula,Operation history,intermittent fever and chills,insulin,swelling,fever and chills,Peptic ulcer disease[ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 2 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) .發問者評價 很感謝你們的回答唷^^ 謝謝你們^ˇ^ .發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 . 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 .馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 •免費索取商英光碟+小書 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 •立即免費測試你的多益等級 •英文email超實用金句! •測你在旁人眼中的英文力? •多益700分線上測驗題庫 相關問答 [ 英文 ]幫忙翻英文病例 . [ 防癌抗癌 ]急件::: 幫我翻譯一下::: 贈10點 . [ 一般疾病 ]EEG、X-ray 翻譯 . [ 一般疾病 ]醫護術語 急~~ . [ 英文 ]可以幫我翻譯這些醫囑嗎? (急用喔) 謝謝~ . [ 一般疾病 ]請問疾病的英文!! . 更多 .其他回答(2) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) . 001 回答者: 新竹 賣牙線器的........... ( 實習生 5 級 ) 擅長領域: 海運 | 天文 回答時間: 2008-09-16 19:04:33 [ 檢舉 ] ..1) Chief complaint:right leg painful swelling with intermittent fever and chills for abut 4 day. 主任反應 : 右腳腫痛 , 並有間歇性紅腫大約 4 天 . Present illness (病人病況) :the 50 year old married Taiwanese man (已婚 50 歲台籍男子) , has had thehistory of type 2 diabetes mellitus with medication and insulin controlled for 19 years and hypertensive cardiovascular disease with medication for 6-7 years. DM nephropathy in end stage renal stage was diagnosed last year. The patient had underwent A-V fistula on 09***** (七位數字,不知是不是很重要,所以保密^^)and on regular hemodialysis since then. This time , he suffered from right leg painful swelling with intermittent fever and chillness for about 4 days. Progressive erythematous change witl local heat and tenderness of right lower leg also developed in these 2 day. Besides , oral ulcer with sore throat were also nated yesterday. Past history(過去病史):1. Systemic disease type 2 diabetes mellitus with medication and insulin controlled for 19 years and hypertensive cardiovascular disease with medication For 6-7 days 2. Chronic hepatitis B and C which were diagnosed for about 2 years. Peptic ulcer disease status post PES for about one year. 3. Operation history:underwent A-V fistula on 09***** 途徑:EXT﹝什麼意思?﹞ [extension 的簡寫 ] extension •釋義 •同義字/反義字 •變化形 KK: [] DJ: [] n. (名詞 noun) 1. 伸展;伸長;擴大[U][(+of)] the extension of our foreign trade 擴大我們的對外貿易 2. 延長;延期;緩期[U][C] We had hoped for the extension of the deadline to the end of the week. 我們曾希望把最後期限延至週末。 3. 延長部分;擴大部分;增設部分[C] We built an extension to our house. 我們擴建了我家的房屋。 4. 電話分機[C] 量單位:40UNIT﹝什麼意思?﹞ 頻率:ASORD﹝什麼意思?﹞、QDPC﹝什麼意思?﹞、QID﹝什麼意思?﹞、QODAC﹝什麼意思?﹞ 診斷:Chronic renal failure ﹝什麼意思?﹞ 藥物:Dexaltin oral paste 1MG/G 2G ﹝什麼意思?﹞ (For tpical use) => ﹝什麼意思?﹞ 會不會拼錯了 ? 特殊情況使用 Parmason gargle soln 200ML ﹝什麼意思?﹞ (For oral gangling) => ﹝什麼意思?﹞ [口腔 XXXX] 請幫忙翻全部^^ 一句一句翻好嗎?謝謝嚕^ˇ^ 參考資料: 雅虎首頁字典 002 回答者: 哈奇 ( 初學者 3 級 ) 回答時間: 2008-09-17 22:13:26 [ 檢舉 ] ..沒有人回答你這個ㄟ= = 其他的有人幫你詳細回答了,那我補充好了 途徑:EXT﹝什麼意思?﹞→外用 用量單位:40UNIT﹝什麼意思?﹞→就是40U,40單位的意思(應該是指胰島素用量) 頻率: ASORD﹝什麼意思?﹞→as order 依醫囑 QDPC﹝什麼意思?﹞→每天飯後(OD通常只會給1次,看醫院的時間訂在幾點) QID﹝什麼意思?﹞→一天4次(還是看醫院的時間) QODAC﹝什麼意思?﹞→ 每隔一天飯前 例如:1日、3日、5日(還是只給1次) 診斷:Chronic renal failure ﹝什麼意思?﹞ 慢性腎衰竭 藥物:Dexaltin oral paste 1MG/G 2G ﹝什麼意思?﹞ (For tpical use) => ﹝什麼意思?﹞ Dexaltin 口內藥膏,每公克含一毫克藥量,一條兩克 應該是典型狀況使用(大概是潰瘍嘴破之類的) Parmason gargle soln 200ML ﹝什麼意思?﹞ (For oral gangling) => ﹝什麼意思?﹞ Parmason漱口水200毫升 ...恩災,反正就是漱口用 參考資料: 自己 1 目前沒有資料 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎?. 發表 取消 . 目前沒有資料 我要評論 註冊 會員登入 .公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 . 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